Monday, February 20, 2012

Theory V. Laws

As a student you will learn about Theory and Law. As your teacher I will always challenge you to seek truth for yourself, finding answers through hard work and determination. Science is filled with things that have been discovered, things waiting to be discovered, and theories waiting to be proven. As students, it's your job to question these things, and actively learn from others research as you're beginning your own!

Our new Chapter Changes Over Time is the beginning of many Scientific Theories and Laws. You'll meet Charles Darwin, autor of The Origin of the Species. His field work on the Galapagos Islands started theories that are utilized and discussed today.
Soon, we will delve into our past all the way back to the beginning of time to look at habitats and animals that roamed our Earth long before we came along! What will you learn? What will you discover?

Start your Passion for Learning and Discoveries today!


  1. I know that this is way off topic..... But I need help on the super star homework! What do I do?

  2. So sorry I didn't see this sooner, let's talk ok!!

  3. No worries!! I got help! Thank tou though! :)


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